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National Chocolate Day

National Chocolate Day Recap

VVS celebrated National Chocolate Day in October, and our cafeterias offered up a variety of fun and tasty chocolate treats! Check out the creations below!

New Sysco Micro Market

New Sysco Micro Market

VVS’ newest Micro Market was installed at Sysco in Lincoln, Nebraska. The new market includes a better variety of snacks and drinks as well as an updated modern look.

Ft Morgan Fajita Feed

Fort Morgan Fajita Feed

VVS site manager, Mark Zwetzig, and his staff served fajitas to over 1900 employees at the Cargill plant in Fort Morgan, Colorado during a recent plant feed. Great job to everyone involved!

Featured Fridays: VVS Sandwiches

Featured Fridays: VVS Sandwiches

Featured Fridays continues this month with VVS Sandwiches! Visit your VVS Fresh Grill Action Station every Friday during the month of November and enjoy fresh croissant sandwiches made-to-order, just the way you like it!

Superfood: Mushrooms


Mushrooms are the SUPERFOOD for November! Mushrooms are made up of 90% water; they are fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium and full of fiber. Mushrooms protect cells from damage that might lead to heart disease and high blood pressure; they contribute to bone health, building your immune system, and regulating cell growth. Mushrooms are also a versatile ingredient you can use in recipes; try grilling a portabella mushroom instead of a burger, or use mushrooms instead of meat in sauces. Enjoy some mushrooms today!

Marshall Kohtz

Marshall Kohtz Celebrates 25 Years

VVS League Director, Marshall Kohtz recently celebrated 25 years with VVS! Marshall has been in the amusement game industry since 1976. He manages the league department by promoting pool, dart, and other leagues for VVS. He enjoys interacting with a wide variety of people, and that every day is different. Marshall and his wife, Gail, have been married for 41 years, and they enjoy many activities together, such as fishing, biking, and sports. They have two adult children, and were blessed with their first grandchildren (one boy and one girl) this past year. “I appreciate that VVS supports what I do and has given me a job that never feels like going to work,” says Marshall. Thank you for your many years of service, Marshall!

Amarillo Chamber Cook-Off

Amarillo Chamber Cook-Off

VVS recently partnered with Tyson in Amarillo, TX, for the Chamber of Commerce BBQ Cook-Off. VVS Site Manager, Tammy Benton, and her staff grilled and served about 800 sausage wraps on the first day. On the second day of the event, they cooked up brisket, ribs and potato salad, serving over 1,000! Tammy explained that “this is a fun event that you can enjoy with family and friends.” Great job to everyone involved!

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