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December Deal Days

December is Deal Days!

Look for VVS Deal Days starting next month! Let VVS help you save that Holiday Cash as we feature great deals all month long during December. Stop by for great deals and sign up to win a $50 VVS Giftcard!


SUPERFOOD: Mushrooms

Mushrooms are the SUPERFOOD for November! Mushrooms are made up of 90% water; they are fat-free, cholesterol-free, low in sodium and full of fiber. Mushrooms protect cells from damage that might lead to heart disease and high blood pressure; they contribute to bone health, building your immune system, and regulating cell growth. Mushrooms are also a versatile ingredient you can use in recipes; try grilling a portabella mushroom instead of a burger, or use mushrooms instead of meat in sauces. Enjoy some mushrooms today!

Joe Solomon

Employee Spotlight: Joseph Solomon

This edition of VVS’ Employee Spotlight features Joseph Solomon, site manager at our Baldwin Filters cafeteria in Kearney, Nebraska. Joe has worked in the foodservice industry for 22 years, and has been with VVS for the past 12! Prior to joining VVS, he worked at McDonald’s for ten years, as well as working summers at a Boy Scout Camp while in high school and college.

When not at work, Joe enjoys spending time with his wife of 14 years, Amy, and their four boys, Jacob (age 14), Zachary (age 12), Andrew (age 7) and Isaiah (age 5). He also keeps busy running a Cub Scout Pack, helping with a Boy Scout Troop, teaching kids at his church, and having bible studies. “When I have free time, I like to play catch with my kids, and I also enjoy reading a lot.” Also, Joe is “…very proud that I am an Eagle Scout!” Thank you, Joe, for your years of service with VVS!

Greeley Trunk or Treat

Trunk or Treat at JBS Greeley

Things got a bit scary for VVS at JBS in Greeley, Colorado as Site Manager Crystal Villafuerte and staff participated in Trunk or Treat in the parking lot of the JBS Beef Plant. Crystal and staff served up candy to goblins and ghouls with JBS doing the same. Thanks to JBS for providing a fun and safe atmosphere for great trick-or-treating!

Diet Pepsi DC Trip Promo

Win a Trip to DC!

VVS Canteen is participating in a Canteen only sweepstakes. Visit any VVS Micro Market, pick up a Diet Pepsi and text DCTrip to 59769. Good luck!

JBS Cactus Catering

Catering at JBS in Cactus, Texas

VVS recently catered an event at JBS in Cactus, Texas that was photo worthy! Fiesta Rice Bowls were on the menu with all the trimmings. A great job goes out to VVS Site Manager Clay Blake and Staff!

Veterans Day and US Flag

Thank You, Veterans!

“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.”—Dan Lipinski

Today we honor and thank all Veterans. Thank you for all you have done, it is deeply appreciated!

Tyson Lexington Culture Fair

Tyson Lexington Holds Culture Fair

Tyson Foods in Lexington, Nebraska recently held a culture fair for it’s employees. Employees were encouraged to wear clothes from their native countries and setup display booths showing items that helped define their culture. VVS cooked over 1,500 hotdogs and hamburgers in support of the fair. Great job to everybody involved!

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